Whether you're making game assets, movie characters, or sculptures for 3D printing, Silo is ideal for modeling and UV mapping. Advanced context-sensitive tools reduce the number of keys required to work fast, and sticky keys let you hop into and out of tools on the fly. From Spin Edge to advanced mirroring to LSCM UV Unwrapping, Silo has the tools pros request most. All accessible via a 100% customizable mouse. Check out the short videos below to see some of these great features in action.
You can also read a more complete feature list. Here are some great video series to teach you both basic and advanced modeling concepts using Silo.
And they're free! Also be sure to check out the and our! Beginner series by Glen Southern meant to teach the Silo fundamentals. Series page includes text explanations and links to Wiki content. Eleven part series. A great set of modeling tutorials put together by Guerrilla3G; take a look and learn about the basic concepts in 3D modeling.
(Not Silo-specific.) Five videos: The Polygon, Multisided Polygons, Objects, Primitives, and Subdivision Artifacts. 5 part series.
Learn the basics of modeling in Silo, including creating, viewing, selecting, and modifying 3D objects. Then watch short videos demonstrating some of Silo's key tools and features. Ten part series. Matt Connors models an Austin-Healey Sprite in Silo. Series page includes text explanations, links to Wiki content, and additional model files. Four part series. Mirko Haenssgen explains how to create a medieval sword in Silo.
Series page includes text explanations and links to Wiki content. Two part series. Glen Southern models an alien using a point-by-point technique.
Includes text explanations, links to Wiki content, and additional model files and reference images. Nine part series. Box modeling series in which Glen Southern models a minotaur. Includes text explanations, links to Wiki content, and additional model files and reference images. Ten part series.